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Writer's picturemissvoiceenergy


Updated: Aug 15, 2020

In our circle of friends, I’m the only ‘friend’ who seldom get sick and as for my

friends, they often catch cold and flu enough for them to be absent at school for 2-3

days every month, at least. In one of our bonding time, one of my friends asked me if I

genetically have a strong immune system or I just have a healthy lifestyle.

I simply answered, healthy lifestyle. Well, I do have a healthy lifestyle but the

things that makes my immune system strong is because I treat my health as a pixie

dust. Pixie dust, for those who don't know is a fictional magical golden powder in

Never Land (where Peter Pan lives) that enables pixies to fly because it is fuelled with

happy thoughts.

Pixies treat pixie dust as their greatest treasure because asides from this

enables them to fly, pixie dust makes their life pleasant, easier and happier: and that’s

health for me, having a good health leads to a longer, happier and pleasant life.

In this challenging time where we are soldiers fighting with an invisible enemy in

a huge battlefield, taking care of our health and our family’s health must be on top of our priorities. In this blog, I want to share some routines I do to maintain a healthy lifestyle amidst the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic.

 Drink Plenty of Fluids – Drinking more than 8 glasses of water a day have

tons of benefits in our body and some of this are: flushes out toxins,

makes our heart healthy, improves mood, and prevents a lot of diseases.

 Healthy Diet – Eating fruits, vegetables, seafoods, and nuts will give our

immune system strength to fight a wide range of diseases that is present


 Adequate Sleep – Good sleep is essential to our overall health simply

because not having enough sleep will attract health problems.

 Exercise – Exercising maybe hard at first but when you do it regularly, it

will be fun and enjoyable. In addition, exercising have a lot of benefits

such as: Improves stamina, better sleep, relieves stress and many more.

 Be Happy – Being happy attracts positivity making you see the good in

everything thus makes you more productive.

 Pray – To complete the healthy lifestyle routine, communicating with God

is must for you will feel blessed, peaceful, contented and protected.

COVID-19 may not end sooner than we expected but let’s keep in mind that no

matter how hard the situation is let’s not forget to pray and just be positive for this too

shall pass.

We will soon meet the exotic beach and cotton candy skies without worries. Just

wait because God provides, always.

With love and energy,

Jari V

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